Comments, Concerns and Complaints

We aim to provide our patients with the best care we can and would like to hear from you if you think we have done something well, or if you have suggestions on how we could do something differently. 

Equally we know that there will be times when we fall short of the mark and want to know if you are unhappy with our service. We would encourage you to speak to whoever you feel most comfortable with - your doctor, a nurse, a receptionist or manager, but if you prefer to give your feedback in writing, please send it to the Patient Safety and Quality Manager.

You can also send us a message online or by posting a message in our suggestions box. We would also welcome your comments, concerns and ideas through our Patients Participation Group.

If you have a complaint please do not be afraid to say how you feel. We welcome feedback to help us improve our standards and you will not be treated any differently because you have complained. We will do our best to put right anything that has gone wrong and this leaflet aims to help you to make your views known to us.

Contact Us

a person typing

When something goes wrong

If you have a complaint or concern the quickest way to resolve it is to speak to a member of the team and if they can resolve it straight away they will do so. If not they will refer the matter to the Patient Safety and Quality Manager who will take matters from there.

Who can make a complaint?

Complaints can be made by patients either on their own behalf or by a representative (with your consent).

What are the time limits for making a complaint?

As soon as you can whilst you can remember the details clearly. Usually the NHS Complaints Procedures only deal with complaints made within 12 months of the event or discovering something to complain about. This time limit may be waived if there are good reasons why you could not let us know earlier and we can still carry out an effective investigation.

What happens next?

The Patient Safety and Quality Manager will acknowledge your complaint and make early contact with you (within 3 working days) to discuss the way forward. The discussion can be face to face but need not be depending upon what is most convenient for all concerned. Your complaint will be investigated within an agreed timescale and you will be kept informed of progress.

What other options do I have?

Complaints can be directed to South East Complaints Hub rather than East Kent Dermatology if you do not feel you can approach East Kent Dermatology and they may undertake the complaint handling or in some cases with your consent, may refer the complaint back to East Kent Dermatology. South East Complaints Hub is obliged to notify East Kent Dermatology about any complaints it receives with your consent.

What happens if the complaint involves a hospital?

Where other organisations such as hospitals are involved in the complaint, we will aim to provided you with a co-ordinated response covering all aspects of your complaint. Where a complaint is solely about a third party, we may seek your agreement to pass the complaint to them.

And finally...

Once the investigation has been concluded a letter will be sent to you setting out how we investigated your complaint as well as details of the actions taken as a result of our findings. We hope that your complaint will be resolved at this stage, but if not we may invite you to discuss what else might be done. If you remain unhappy, we will write to advise you that we are satisfied with the way the complaint has been investigated and to provide you with details of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman to whom you will then have recourse.

Who can help with your complaint?

The Advocacy People

This is an Independent Advocacy Service which is available to support you and represent your views when making a complaint - they can accompany you to meetings to discuss your complaint and provide support or an interpreter.

If you remain dissatisfied with the response from East Kent Dermatology (or South East Complaints Hub where your complaint was investigated by them) then you have the right to refer your complaint to the Health Service Ombudsman. They would require a clear statement of what issues remain outstanding.

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

South East Complaints Hub

If you have a concern or complaint that you do not feel you can discuss with the East Kent Dermatology

East Kent Dermatology recognises that patients who complain about care or treatment received have every right to expect a prompt, open, constructive and honest response including an explanation and, if appropriate, an apology. We understand the importance of listening to patients and making changes when things have not gone as they (or we) would wish.