Conditions not Treated on the NHS

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The NHS Kent and Medway Integrated Care board (ICB) provides guidance regarding the management of all health conditions within the Kent and Medway area; this guidance is called the Referral and Treatment Criteria (RaTC).

For benign (non-cancerous) skin lesions, the following guidance has been provided:

Kent and Medway ICB will fund removal of benign skin lesions where the lesion meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • The lesion is unavoidably and significantly traumatised on a regular basis with evidence of this causing regular bleeding or resulting in infections such that the patient requires 2 or more courses of antibiotics (oral or intravenous) in a year
  • The lesion bleeds in the course of normal everyday activity
  • The lesion causes recurrent pain
  • The lesion significantly impacts on function, e.g. restricts joint movement
  • The lesion is obstructing an orifice or impairing vision
  • The lesion causes pressure symptoms, e.g. on nerve or tissue
  • If left untreated, more invasive intervention would be required for removal

Referral should be made to dermatology, for assessment if there is diagnostic uncertainty.

View the Kent and Medway ICB Referral and Treatment Criteria

Make a comment or complaint regarding this guidance

Private Providers

Please find below a list of local private providers of dermatology care. Patients wishing to access private appointments, either via medical insurance or self-payment, should contact the providers directly.

Declaration of Interest

The following East Kent Community Dermatology Service clinicians also work privately, as listed below:

  • Dr Katy Hine: The Canterbury Skin & Laser Clinic
  • Dr Sandra Varga: The Canterbury Skin & Laser Clinic
  • Dr Robert White: The Canterbury Skin & Laser Clinic