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For Patients

Our Dermatological and Skin Surgery services are accessible to any patient registered within Kent & Medway.

Upon receipt of a referral from your GP practice, we will be in touch to book your appointment with one of our specialists.

Please speak with your GP to obtain a referral.

For Professionals

We accept referrals for ALL non-urgent skin conditions for patients of ALL ages.

Please refer via the e-Referral Service (eRS) to the location closest to the patient's home. We can accept referral letters in any format.

The referral will be clinically triaged within 72 working hours. Following this, the patient will be contacted to be booked in with an appropriate specialist.

If you would prefer to use our referral form, please contact us to request.

The only exclusion criteria for our service are as follows:

  • Rapid access (2ww) referrals
  • Leg ulcers
  • Systemic illness with a rash